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Cheap Flights

Always hearing about cheap flights but never knowing how to find them? Then you've come to the right place, this page will give you all the tips and resources necessary to find cheap flights so you can start travelling!


Finding cheap flights is not as easy as it sounds, it takes a lot and I would even say that it is a mindset. To find cheap flights you have to be ready to be spontaneous and to buy flights in a moments notice. Why do I say this? You'll see below once I explain the best tools to find cheap flights. 

The Best Websites



Skyscanner is my favourite website to use. It is easy to use and lets you see almost every flight possible. It has a great interface and most of the times will be the only website that you will use. They also have an app for your smartphone and you can set notifications for when flight prices change. If you don't want the app you can also get notified via email for when a price changes for a wanted flight or desitnation!




This is only useful for people travelling within Europe. As I said in the text beforehand, most of the time you will only need to use Skyscanner. However, sometimes Skyscanner misses some flights, so if you don't find any good deals for your destination, head over to the Ryanair website and see if you find anything. There is even sometimes flash sales where they sell flights for only 5 or 10€. Subscribe for emails!



This is also only useful for people travelling within Europe. Same as Ryanair, you will only use this incase you do not find any good deals for your wanted destination or your wanted dates on the Skyscanner website. If that is the case check here as well, you might find better deals for your wanted destination and/or wanted dates. Make sure to subscribe to email notifications as WizzAir also does flash sales!


Why is looking for cheap flights a mindset?

It is quite time consuming if you are not smart about it. You have to turn on phone and email notifications to get alerts because with flights, the prices can change every few minutes depending on traffic online.


You have to learn to be spontaneous and ready to buy a ticket at any time. One time, I was waiting to get a flight to Ålesund, Norway, but the flight was too expensive for me at the moment. I turned on all notifications and waited. I waited a few days but the flight just kept on getting more expensive. Finally, on the night before the flight, I set an alarm clock for 3am to see if the flight price will change. Surely, my alarm goes off at 3am, I check the website, and the flight dropped in price 50! In that moment I bought the flight and immediately after my train to the airport, packed, and got ready to leave.

Finding cheap flights is not very glamorous, it is quite tiring and sometime stressful. But if you are like me and have a true passion for travelling, then it is 100% worth it. Sometimes its gonna take extremes like this to find cheap flights, sometimes its not gonna take much work at all. My flight from Poland to Iceland costed me 42
€, which is extremely cheap. I went on Skyscanner to look for this flight, I saw 42€, I couldn't believe it, and then I immediately bought the flight. It was quite lucky.

Sometimes, you're going to have to by flights without knowing if you are even gonna be able to go. Do this only when the flight is extremely cheap, and losing the flight won't hurt your wallet that much. I did this with my best friend Derek when we were trying to go to Stavanger, Norway. We found a flight for a random date for 16€, and it being extremely cheap, we simply bought the flight and hoped those dates would work out, which luckily for us they did in the end.

You cannot look for specific dates, this is how you get expensive flights, like I said earlier you have to be spontaneous and you also have to be fluid, plans cannot be 100%, plans have to just be an idea to guide you. 

With Skyscanner, you can choose to find flights cheapest for the whole month or for the whole year. This is what I do normally and then I just plan everything around when the flight is. 

Skyscanner also has an awesome function where not only you can enter for it to look for flights for the whole month or whole year, but you can also enter every airport in your country or state. This way, you also find the cheapest options from every available closeby airport.

Good luck price hunting and I hope this advice has helped you out! It is what I do so you should have no issue!

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